Alkrington Primary School

Alkrington Primary School

A Learning Journey

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

We are an inclusive school, we welcome children of all backgrounds and all abilities. Some of our children have special needs and disabilities, some are learning difficulties, others with physical and sensory disabilities or need emotional support. 

Our aim is for all children in our school to have access to a high quality curriculum, with good provision and to make good progress relative to their starting points.

School funding includes elements of resources for pupils with SEND.  For some children their level of need attracts further funding and staff are employed specifically to support those children, ordinarily those with an Education and Healthcare Plan ( EHC Plan ), formerly known as a Statement of Special Need.


SEND Information Report

Click the link to view our Special Needs and Disabilities Policy


The Local Offer explains the service accessible or signposted by the school for parents, children and the local community.

Click below to view a document detailing Alkrington Primary School's Local Offer.

Alkrington Local Offer