Have a look on our X account to see what we have been doing in PSHE across school recently
Relationships Education in primary schools should teach the fundamental building blocks and characteristics of positive relationships, with particular reference to friendships, family relationships, and relationships with other peers and adults.
Children should learn about relationships as well as the emotional, social and physical aspects of growing up, human sexuality and sexual health in an age-appropriate way. This goes beyond learning about relationships, to include puberty, how a baby is conceived and born, body ownership, and safeguarding.
Our lessons also include elements of Health Education as well as sex education. Therefore we often refer to it as RSE; Relationships and Sex Education.
Our RSE lessons are a key part of SCARF – which provides so much more than a PSHE scheme of work. It provides the framework for a whole-school approach to improving children’s wellbeing and progress, based on five values: safety (S), caring (C), achievement (A), resilience (R) and friendship (F).
Our Relationships and Sex Education resources help children and young people to be safe, healthy and happy, both as they grow, and in their future lives. Delivered as part of PSHE (England) or Science, we meet current SMSC development, safeguarding, and emotional wellbeing requirements, as well as meeting the requirements of the DfE Primary Relationships Education and Health Education Curriculum, and National Curriculum Science from 2020.
From September 2020 Relationships Education will become compulsory in all primary schools in England. Health Education (of which puberty education is a key component) will become compulsory in all state-funded schools. Although sex education in primary schools will not be compulsory, the DfE continues to recommend that primary schools have a sex education programme tailored to the age, and physical and emotional maturity of the pupils. All maintained schools will be expected to continue teaching Reproduction as part of the National Curriculum: Science.
PSHE and RSE at Alkrington
We provide information and training to our staff about the curriculum and invite the 'Life Bus' into school. The available policy was drawn up as part of the PiraMidd collaborative. Each class teacher delivers the curriculum to their children. PSHE and SRE is delivered using a curriculum from 'CORAM SCARF'. At Alkrington, our lessons are a safe, confidential and positive place to learn. Where the privacy of pupils is protected and children are safeguarded. Parents/careers will be invited into school to have the curriculum shared with them, or in some cases this process may take place online. More support can be offered to parents from our school nursing service for speaking to their child about issues such as sex, relationships or puberty. We support girls who are menstruating in school, by providing sanitary products and advice as appropriate and provide disposal facilities.
The document below maps the SCARF lesson plans for Y1 to 6 to the DfE statutory requirements for both Relationships and Health Education (RSHE). Lessons that are not part of the DfE’s statutory guidance are included because they ensure a comprehensive PSHE programme.
See pages 28-30 for Reception plans’ mapping